Trouble with Business Objects ESD licensing system

Thursday 10 January 2008 @ 9:29 am

One of my readers pointed me to a post on Ed Foster’s Gripelog, highlighting problems with their new Enterprise Software Delivery (ESD) licensing system. This service is provided by a company called Intraware. If you have comments please post them to Ed’s site. And, thanks to Dave Sharpe of BellSouth for giving me the first link to this article.

One Response to 'Trouble with Business Objects ESD licensing system'

  1. blair - January 18th, 2008 at 1:39 pm


    Note that ESD is only used to distribute service packs to products like BusinessObjects Enterprise and the midmarket Edge product.

    Service packs and fix packs to Crystal Reports are publicly available to all licensed users (not just customers that pay maintenance), so they are publically accessible and do not use the ESD system.

    We are aware of the recent issues with ESD and are looking into it, but these do not affect how Crystal Reports customers get their service packs.

    Thanks, Blair

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