Creating the text-shadow effect with Crystal Reports fonts

Friday 16 March 2012 @ 8:22 am

Here is a clever tip I just received from a blog reader who is also a Crystal Reports developer. He wanted to create a title with something that looks like the “text-shadow” property.  He found that using an image didn’t print as clearly as a true font so he came up with a clever way to create the shadow.  Here are the steps:

1) Put the title text into a large bold font.
2) Copy the title text object and paste a duplicate directly on top of the original.
3) Right-click on the copy and select “Move – To Back”.
4) Changed the font color of the copy to silver.
5) Nudge the copy slightly down and to the right.

There you have a clean shadowed font.  And thanks to Adam Butt of APB Reports in Trondheim, Norway.

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