I was teaching a lesson today about variables and evaluation times for a remote student. One of the things I like to use during this lesson is a diagram from the CR help file. It is called the “Multi-pass reporting flow chart” and is found at the end of the section called the “Report Processing Model”. The diagram shows the specific steps that a report goes through from beginning to end, and which steps are considered part of each evaluation time.
So I was surprised to find that the diagram was not listed in its usual place in the help file contents. I didn’t spend much time looking for it, since I couldn’t imagine that there was a more appropriate place. I figured that the diagram was dropped from CR 2011. It may be that it has been moved, but just in case, I decided to post it on my website. That way if I am teaching a class on-site and I don’t have it I can still use it in class.
I won’t be able to check it here because after evaluating CR 2011 I decided to hold off on the upgrade. There are so few changes that I didn’t feel it was urgent. So if someone out there is using CR 2011 and finds this diagram somewhere in the help file, I won’t mind being proven wrong.