If you have been considering purchasing Find it EZ then you might want to do before the end of March. The developers of Find it EZ are offering my readers a 25% discount on purchases through 3/31/2013. Use this link to get the discount. And they are planning a price increase in mid-March so if you use the link now there is an extra savings.
If you aren’t familiar with Find it EZ, it is a source code scanning tool that I have written about as part of my comparison of RPT management utilities. It can search your entire application, including your RPT files, for the use of specific tables, fields and text.
The promotion this month is to highlight some recent updates. Find it EZ is now:
- certified to run on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
- certified for Citrix Server with floating license concurrent distributed user support
- certified for SQL Server 2012 and latest version of SSRS
- able to search your database by owner or schema
- able to scan within MS Query files
If you have tried it and have any feedback, please let me know.