When CR 2011 was released SAP also introduced Crystal Reports for Enterprise. SAP stated at that time that they were going to focus their future development efforts on the newer product. They also stated that they would continue to support the standalone product, but the wording left some of us wondering how long that support would last.
Recently one of my newsletter subscribers sent me a link to an SAP wiki page. The page explains the difference between Crystal Reports for Enterprise and “classic” Crystal Reports. He found this statement in the overview:
“We will continue to support the Crystal Reports 2011/2013 line of products after Crystal Reports for Enterprise has caught up [with the features in CR].” It isn’t a promise of indefinite support but perhaps they won’t discontinue the stand alone version of Crystal reports any time soon. I certainly expect to be supporting Crystal for many more years.
And thanks to Joe Gaietto of Ohio MHAS for sending the updated link.