Sage 50 update might disable some reports

Saturday 13 February 2016 @ 5:08 pm

If you are a Sage 50 user and rely on Crystal Reports you might want to pause before you apply a specific recent update. I have been told by Dave Smith at Phase One Computing that Sage 50 US Edition, update 2016.2 can prevent Sage from running reports if the reports use any of the “GetPeach” functions. If you have not already installed that update, you might want to wait and check your critical reports to see if they use these functions.

Dave says that Sage is aware of the problem but we don’t yet know how they will respond.

Update on 2/18 from Dave Smith:

SOLUTION FOUND: When this Sage 50 update is installed, which requires a conversion of the database, make sure that in addition to resetting your Crystal Reports User Security Settings (reset the password with the Change button), that you also click on the “Install Sage 50 Data Functions” link to the right of the screen. This will update the u2lpeach.dll file with the new Sage 50 Data Functions, which directly impacts Crystal Reports. After doing this, the Crystal Reports which use the GETPEACH expressions (this accesses the u2lpeach.dll file), will operate correctly.

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