Setting default export options for a report

Wednesday 7 November 2018 @ 6:10 pm

All versions of Crystal Reports since 2005 allow you to save default export options for each report. These options are stored in each RPT file so they only apply to the report that is open when they are saved. Once these options are saved the user only has to remember which export format to use. They no longer have to remember all of the specific export options.  The saved options will be shown by default.

Here are the steps to save export options for a report:

1) Open the report
2) Go to File > Export > Report Export Options
3) Select a format and click “OK” (note – only formats that have options are listed)
4) Set the desired options and click OK
5) Save the report

The next time you export that report into that format, the options screen will already be filled in for you with the defaults that you saved. You are allowed to overwrite them at runtime, but overwriting them does not change the stored defaults. To change the stored defaults you repeat the steps above.

Also, one report can store export options for several different export formats at the same time. So if you have a report that is exported several different ways, you could store default settings for all 10 of the export formats that have an options dialogue.

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