My web site has a page for commonly used formulas. Many have been there for years. Formula page 9 has two versions of a formula that will convert a number of seconds into an elapsed time string. The long version has days, hours, minutes and seconds. The shorter version is just hours and minutes.
I was using the short version in a customer’s report and we noticed that the minutes value was sometimes off by one. After some testing we found that if the remaining seconds were between 30 and 60 the formula would always round down because the formula used a Truncate() function. The Truncate() works correctly in the long version of the formula, because you truncate down to the whole minutes and then display any remaining seconds. But since the shorter version doesn’t display seconds it is more accurate to Round () the seconds to the nearest minute. So I have updated the short version formula on my site to use the Round () function for minutes.
So those of you who have used that formula should update your reports by changing the last Truncate to a Round, or just taking the updated formula from page 9.
(For examples of my most popular formulas, please visit the FORMULAS page on my website.)