When working with customers I often re-open recently used files. Recently it seems that some of my customers versions of Crystal don’t show the recent files in the file menu. This puzzles me because I am on CR 2016 and I have always seen the list of recent files at the bottom of the File menu. There is a short list on the start page as well, but the longer list has always been in the menu.
Yesterday one of customers shared with me that she had been struggling with the same issue and then stumbled across the recent file list in a new place. There is a yellow folder icon on the toolbar which represents “File > Open”. Next to this folder is a small drop-down arrow. Clicking that arrow shows the recently used files. Neither she nor I had noticed this so I am betting that we are not the only ones.
And, thanks to Laurie Weaver, a developer at Wyse Solutions, for pointing this out.
On a related note, you can change the number of files that are shown in this list. The default is 5, but you can increase this number in the registry.
The key is here:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\
Crystal Reports\Recent Files
The value to change within that key is called “FileCount”.
But there is also some strangeness about the filecount value. You can put in any number, but the registry only has 10 slots. So any number beyond 10 has no where to go. Then, the list in the file menu can only display the first 9 items of the 10 so I am not even sure why they have a 10th item. The other list, the one in the box on the Start Page, can only show the first 5 of the 10.
The other mystery I haven’t solved (yet) is why my install of CR 2016 still shows the recent files in the “File” menu, while many Crystal installs do not.