Legacy apps that use the Crystal Reports runtime engine

Sunday 5 December 2021 @ 7:04 pm

I received this question several times, recently:

We have a legacy app that uses the Crystal Reports runtime. We want to use a later version of Crystal Reports, but still need the reports to work in our application. Is this possible?

The short answer is “probably not”. The longer answer involves a bit of history.

Crystal Reports, right from the beginning, provided a runtime engine that let you invoke reports from applications.  First there was the Print Engine API (1991) which used files like crpe.h, crpe32m.lib and direct calls like PEOpenEngine(),PEOpenPrintJob(). Then in 1995 they released an Active X component using the file Crystal32.OCX (this was included for free with Visual Basic).  In 1997 they released something called the Automation server using CPEAUT32.dll. These three different integration approaches worked side by side until 2001 when Crystal introduced the Report Design Component (RDC) which used the file CrAxDrt.dll.

The next year, when CRv9 was released, the RDC became the only supported integration method and the files for the other three methods were no longer provided.  Since CRv9 rpt files were not backward compatible, users had to choose between using their legacy code or upgrading Crystal Reports.  If they wanted to use the latest version of Crystal Reports they would have to rewrite their application.  Many chose to freeze their Crystal version, and some are still using CRv8x and one of the original three runtime engines.

Then in 2003 Crystal released a runtime engine for .NET. For the next few versions of CR you could choose either the RDC or the .NET runtime engine. But in 2008, when CRv12 came out, Crystal no longer supported the RDC.  Again users had to choose.  If you wanted your application to support the new features in CR 2008 you had to rewrite your application in .NET.   But, there was one difference.  A crystal report created in CR 2008 (or even CR 2016) is backward compatible all the way back to CRv9. So these later reports can still be run from RDC based applications.  However, if the reports use any features that are new after CR 2008 (optional parameters, vertical alignment, etc) these won’t work unless you are using the .NET runtime.

And this is where we are today. The only runtime engine that supports all the features in the current versions of Crystal is the .NET engine.  There isn’t anything available in any recent version of Crystal that will work with legacy code from the other 4 integration methods.  If you have an application that uses one of these methods your choices are:

1) Stay with your legacy code and use an old version of Crystal to maintain the reports.
2) Rewrite your code using the .NET runtime engine.

Years ago I put out a guide for using the .NET engine in applications. Although it was written in 2003, the basic object model hasn’t changed significantly since then. It is free and you can download a copy – if you think it will help.

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