(re)Introducing the MRound() function

Sunday 6 March 2022 @ 3:51 pm

Timing is everything. In October of 2004 I added a new formula to my website. Formula #22 showed how to round a dollar amount to the nearest nickel, but could also be used to round any number to whatever increment was needed. I have used that formula many times since – including my blog post from 2 weeks ago about rounding a DateTime to the nearest 15 minutes.

Today I heard from Ido Millet of Millet Software who suggested some improvements to that blog formula. His formula used the Crystal Reports MRound() function. I had never used the MRound function so I looked it up to see what it did. It does exactly the same thing as Formula #22.

After a bit of research I found that I mentioned the MRound() function in my January 2005 Newsletter. It was one of a dozen new functions in Crystal Reports XI.  But I somehow missed the fact that it did the same thing as Formula #22, which I had posted 3 months earlier.  Today I updated Formula #22 to use the MRound() function, but I have left the original formula for users who are still using CR versions before XI.

(For examples of my most popular formulas, please visit the FORMULAS page on my website.)

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