I was working with a customer’s report on my PC and trying to change a parameter. Instead of showing me a list of values I was presented with an unusual dialogue, looking for credentials. This dialogue didn’t look familiar and it took me a few minutes to figure out why it was there. The parameter I was using was a dynamic parameter and it was trying to pull a list of values from the database. That database didn’t exist on my PC, of course, so this is the window I saw:
As you can see it doesn’t allow you to change the name of the server or the DB. It does allow you to log in but that won’t help because I suspect you will only see this when the DB doesn’t exist. To get by this you have cancel and then change the dynamic parameter to pull form a local source.
So if you see a strange login that has “Enter Values” at the top and “Use Single Signon Key” at the bottom, check to see if your dynamic parameters can find their data.