I just wrote about installing 64-bit drivers to get CR 2020 to work with Raiser’s Edge legacy MDB files. Here are a few other things I learned:
1) If you modify a Raiser’s Edge report using CR 2020 you are saving it connected to a 64-bit data source. Raiser’s Edge will still run the report just fine using 32-bit connections. Apparently, when RE runs the report automatically replaces any connections in the report with the connection configured in RE. This was a happy surprise.
2) When running reports from inside other applications you can export the report to .rpt format. This saves the report with data, letting you open it in Crystal Reports and page through the saved data. When I tried this from RE the saved data would generate an error. It appears that RE adds a new formula to the report when it is run. This formula uses a proprietary custom function that is only available inside the RE environment. This prevents the report’s saved data from opening up in Crystal.
3) You can make most changes using CR 2020 without having to connect to the data at all. You wouldn’t be able to preview the changes in CR, and you wouldn’t be able to add any new tables, but most other changes can be made without a connection.
4) You can still purchase Crystal Reports 2016 and keep using the legacy connections. CR 2016 is still for sale from SAP and simplifies things when you are using legacy data like this. SAP’s web site shows that support for CR 2016 will no longer be available in 2025, but that isn’t an issue for most users. I have many customers using ‘unsupported’ versions, some from 20+ years ago, and the lack of SAP support has never been an issue.