SAP ‘Fully Integrates’ Business Objects Sales

Friday 9 January 2009 @ 11:19 pm

According to a recent post by Doug Henschen of Intelligent Enterprise, SAP has ‘fully integrated’ Business Objects as of this week. This came directly from an interview with SAP’s Bill McDermott. Mr. Henschen focused on the fact that the Business Object’s sales force is now “fully integrated” into SAP’s sales force, which is a change from the original plan of  letting Business Objects run independent of SAP. Read the fifth paragraph of the article for an interesting view of how SAP and BO approach a prospective enterprise customer.

Just a few days earlier I heard a rumor that all of the Enterprise Sales Reps at Business Objects were moved into SAP (or let go) and I had been trying to find someone to verify that rumor. This might be where that rumor came from. I certainly hope that this integration goes better than the Support Integration fiasco from the second half of 2008.

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