Thursday 22 January 2009 @ 10:48 am
SAP has released Crystal Reports 2008 SP1. There are some small improvements that some of you might find useful. I haven’t installed it yet, so if you find anything that breaks let me know. Here are the major changes:
- Full Dual Monitor Support
- PDF Exporting with Embedded Flash. If you put a flash object in a report and export to PDF, the Flash object remains interactive in the PDF (using Adobe Reader 9)
- Crosstabs in DHTML Viewers are true DHTML Tables, which improves accessibility for screens readers.
- Unicode UFL Interface. If you write custom functions in COM or .net to be used in Crystal Reports formulas, the UFL interface is now Unicode compliant so Unicode strings can be used in the interface.
- Visual Studio users on Windows Vista no longer need to turn off DEP.
Here is a link to download service packs.