New Data Dictionary Builder for Crystal Reports

Saturday 11 November 2006 @ 10:44 pm

( Update 7/2013 – this has been discontinued)

Barry Walter has just released a tool to help Crystal Reports developers organize and explore their reports. It automatically extracts and stores all of the database connections, tables, joins and even the formulas used in all of your reports. You can then select any connection, table or field to see which reports use that object. You can see and compare all of the joins that have been created with each field, and which SQL join types were used. In other words you can generate a data schema or dictionary from the information stored in your existing reports.

This tools is especially handy when you have to explore someone else’s reports. Just import a group of reports and see how the key tables fit together and what fields and formulas are used in each report. Other features include:

1) The ability to store notes and comments for your tables and fields
2) The ability to view Stored Procedures and browse the data that they generate
3) The ability to view all of the information from several different angles.

The tools is called MyDataDictionary.  ( Update 7/2013 – this has been discontinued) .

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