SAP/BO 2009 User Conference

Thursday 4 June 2009 @ 9:49 am

The 2009 SAP BusinessObjects User Conference is being held in Dallas this year on October 18-21, 2009. You can read more about it on the official site. The cost is $1,495 at the door, $1,395 in advance and $1,195 before 8/21/2009.

If you want to go, and aren’t sure you can get that amount approved, you can always download their handy “Conference Justification Document”.  This is a boilerplate proposal (fill in the blanks) that you can submit to your manager to convince them that the conference is worth the money and time.  The first paragraph ends with my favorite line:

” This content will be directly applicable to my work on <project(s) you are working on>. ”

I won’t be attending the conference but several of my colleagues are regulars.  If you decide to go let me know if you found it worthwhile.  If, like me, you decide not to go I can think of several ways to spend that amount of money and truly make it ‘directly applicable’ to the reporting project that you are working on.

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