“Do It Yourself” License Audit from SAP

Sunday 12 July 2009 @ 10:54 pm

A customer of mine received an Email from SAP telling him that:

“… many of our customers have requested assistance on verifying that their license
quantities of our products are correct.”

It then instructed him to go to a  “license confirmation site” and submit a license confirmation before a specified date.  When you go to that site you are asked to enter the number of CAL or NUL licenses you have for each SAP server product you own.  Then you are asked to enter how many cores you have in your processors (because each core is licensed separately).  This particular customer simply ignored the message because his SAP implementation was canceled, but it still left a bad taste in his mouth.

So I was wondering if anyone else got this message, and if so, how you responded.  Maybe it only goes to people who request a trial license and don’t follow up with a purchase.

There is no mention of what happens if you miss the deadline or ignore the message.  My guess is that there isn’t really anything that CAN happen other than maybe BO will come and do an audit of your licenses.  According to the EULA terms, SAP is entitled to audit your software use at any time, but they must do it at THEIR expense.  This sounds like a way to make the audit be at your expense.

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