Creating Crystal Reports from PeachTree accounting data has become a specialty of mine. But getting data out of PeachTree has always been something of a challenge because the only way to access the data has been using the proprietary Btrieve query enginge rather than the more standard SQL method. But I just helped a customer upgrade their reports to PeachTree 2010 and was pleased to see that this latest version of PeachTree now accesses the data using OLEDB instead of Btrieve.
Since OLEDB is SQL based, this means that we should now be able to do things like use Commands, and SQL Expressions when working with PeachTree data. There are some steps you need to take to get things working in OLEDB. And I found that older versions of CR didn’t generate the correct SQL syntax in some cases (like date ranges). But CR 2008, which is sold with PeachTree 2010, seems to work just fine.
So if you need help creating or updating your Crystal Reports for PeachTree, (or any other accounting system) give me a call.