Archive for July, 2016
I have just updated my comparison of RPT management utilities for 2016. These are tools that allow you to scan, document, compare and in some cases batch update RPT files. The list now includes 8 tools:
Report Runner Documentor by Jeff-Net
R-Tag Documentation and Search by R-Tag
R-Tag Version Control by R-Tag
Report Miner by the Retsel Group
Code Search Professional by Find it EZ Software Corp.
Dev Surge Enterprise by Find it EZ Software Corp.
Report Analyzer by Cortex Systems
.rpt Inspector 3 Professional Suite by Software Forces, LLC
I had a customer who contacted me to ask why every ‘t’ was duplicated in her report. I assumed that the customer was describing duplicate records and was ready to start troubleshooting the joins between tables. What I found, instead was that every letter ‘t’ in the text of the report was printing twice whenever the document was exported to PDF. The Crystal preview was not affected.
So I did some web research and found that there is a rare glitch that can occur in some environments when using the Calibri font. It seems to be related to a DLL conflict but the simple solution for many users is to use a different font. If you run into this and a font change is not an option, you will have to try tracking down usp10.dll to make sure Crystal is using the right version. These links might help:
The team at Find it EZ have announced a special promotion through August 12th. If you can show that you own a license for any of the RPT management utilities in my annual review matrix, they will give you a free 1-year subscription to their latest Dev Surge 365 product. Dev Surge 365 supports the latest versions of Crystal Reports/BOE and also provides native support for SAP HANA. So if you were thinking about an upgrade, this is worth checking out.
To claim your free license, first register on Then contact to submit proof of purchase. They will send you your free copy of Dev Surge 365. If you are an existing Find it EZ customers you are also eligible for a free additional license if you can show proof of a past purchase of one of these products.