Archive for June, 2022

Desktop and Server-based scheduler comparisons (2022)

Thursday 30 June 2022 @ 9:59 pm

I have just updated my comparisons of server-based scheduling tools and desktop-based scheduling tools for 2022.  I have changed the schedule to write about both of these groups every June.  The desktop products are designed to be managed on a single PC, while the server based tools allow multiple people to manage schedules through a server.  Both provide automated delivery by Email, FTP or directly to a network folder.

There are 11 products in each comparison.  There are also a few feature updates and price changes for 2022. The pages provide a brief overview of each product. Each page also has a link to the feature matrix that compares dozens of features of these tools. There is even a feature glossary that defines all the terms. So if you need a short course in automating Crystal Reports delivery, this is a pretty good place to start.

“Flyout” menu for Sections ignores your choices

Sunday 12 June 2022 @ 3:27 pm

If you want to change the properties of a section, you go into the Section Expert(“Report” menu). You can also get to the “Section Expert” by right-clicking on a section name and selecting the option “Section Expert” from the “Flyout” menu. This menu also gives you a few properties you can change for a section without going into the Section Expert, like hiding, suppressing or deleting a section.

But I’ve noticed something strange in recent versions of CR. This flyout menu doesn’t always respond to user choices. I have noticed it both in my own environment and also when working remotely with several customers. It can be annoying to repeatedly right-click on a section name and have your choice ignored. One customer just stopped using the flyout menu altogether and just started navigating the main menu to open the Section Expert.

Now I think I have figured out a pattern for this behavior. If I right-click on a section quickly, without moving the mouse at all, the flyout menu will appear but it won’t respond to my choice. If, however, I right-click on a section and hold the cursor while dragging down a bit before I (left) click on my choice,  then the menu will respond to my choice.

I am guessing this is a bug, since I have not seen this problem with any other flyout menu in Crystal.

Recrystallize Pro