Tuesday 12 January 2010 @ 12:11 am
It appears that SAP will release a new version of Crystal Reports this year. This isn’t a big surprise given that it has been two years since the last version. There are no details yet but George Peck mentioned in a recent article that the SAP Users Group might give a preview in the next month or so. Anyone have any details to share?
And thanks to Gordon Portanier of Crystalize in Canada for giving me the heads up.
I recommend article about CR for Visual Studio 2010: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/14514
I think that article describes few new functions in CR 2010 stand alone version.
For example the new read-only RPT file called RPTR.
Thanks for the comment. That is a handy feature introduced by Millet Software in their the DataLink Viewer. At least it is nice to know that they are paying attention.