Dynamic parameter limit on “list of values”

Wednesday 18 January 2012 @ 7:00 am

Crystal limits how many values you have to choose from when you use a dynamic parameter.  The default limit is 1,000.  To show more than 1000 values you have to add a registry key called ‘LOV’ in the CR path for Database options.  This needs to be done on each PC that will be running the report.   The following examples are for versions 11.5 through 14.x.  Your registry path may be slightly different depending on your Operating System and your CR version.  See this SAP link for more info.

1) Add a new registry entry under the appropriate path on your PC to the DatabaseOptions key:

For v11.5 use this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\

For 2008 use this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\

For 2011, 2013, 2016 on a 64-bit Operating System use this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions

For 2011, 2013, 2016 on a 32-bit Operating System
OR for 2020 on a 64-bit Operating System use this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\

2) Add a new key at that level called: LOV

3) Add a string to that key called MaxRowsetRecords

4) Set the value to whatever limit you want.

I have read that you can enter a zero or -1 to mean unlimited, but that hasn’t worked in my tests.

Also note that loading large lists this way can make the parameter run for a few minutes before the user can select a value. Also note that any dynamic list that has more than 200 values will activate the parameter’s ‘batch interface” discussed in a previous post.

(And thanks to Duane Fenner, an Account Manager and CR developer at LeaseTeam, Inc. for suggesting this post.)

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