Crystal Reports 2013

Thursday 21 November 2013 @ 10:32 pm

I have been asked a couple of times this week about Crystal Reports 2013, so I guess it is time to post something.  Personally, I have not upgraded since CR CR 2008 (v12).  When CR 2011 (v14) came out a couple of years ago, I downloaded the trial and found that it was virtually identical to what I had.  There were 3 new features that I mentioned in my blog, but none of these were worth the cost of the upgrade to me. SAP also made it clear that they do not plan to develop new features for the standalone version of CR. They are devoting their energies to the version of CR that is embedded into Business Objects Enterprise.

So when SAP released CR 2013 I wasn’t expecting many changes.  In fact I am not aware of any changes.  And since SAP is describing this as a ‘rebranding’ of the product as opposed to an upgrade, I don’t think I will spend much time looking for new features.  One clue is that CR 2013 is version 14.1 while CR 2011 was version 14.0.  If anyone finds any new features in CR 2013, please let me know.

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