Get distinct count subtotals to add up to the grand total

Tuesday 8 September 2020 @ 11:36 pm

I just had a customer ask me about their distinct count grand total and why it didn’t match the sum of the subtotals. This is common. When you add up distinct counts at the group level they often won’t add up to the grand total. This is because of what a distinct count is designed to do.

A distinct count summary will count how many different values there are in a column. So if I group patient visits by doctor and then want CR to tell me how many different patients each doctor saw in that period, I would use a distinct count at the doctor group level. And if I also wanted to know how many different patients were seen across ALL doctors I could create another distinct count of the patients and put it in the report footer. But it is very likely that this grand total is not going to match the sum of the doctor subtotals. This is because any patient who saw more than one doctor in the period will show up once in each doctor’s group, but then will only be counted only once in the grand total.

But there are special cases where the grand total needs to be the sum of the subtotals. If you find yourself with this requirement the solution is simple. You create a formula that concatenates the group value with the field used in the distinct count. (In the example above you would combine the doctor with the patient.) Then you do a distinct count of that formula. This will give you the same values at the group level, but it will prevent the grand total from combining values from different groups.

This technique is article #25 in my Expert Techniques volume 1.

(For examples of my most popular formulas, please visit the FORMULAS page on my website.)

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